Adventure, Automotive, Honda, MotoGP, Motorcycles, Motorsports, Outdoors, Racing, Racing, Sport Touring, Streetbikes, Travel


The Thrill of Canyon Rides – A Monthly Adventure Picture this: the wind in your hair or whistling through the open vents of your helmet, the hum of the engine beneath you, and breathtaking scenery of the massive Grand Canyons, the rugged cliffs of the Colorado Rockies, or the vast, and beautiful greenery of the… Continue reading CANYON RIDES

Motorcycles, Motorsports, Outdoors, Sport Touring, Streetbikes, Travel

Morocco, back to the beginning and arriving from Spain.

Maaannn, my day is coming!! Fred TheRider & Co. can’t wait to hit the road

piece meal adventurer

It’s a quick ferry ride from Tarifa to Tanger and a long trek through customs into Morocco.

Many stories proceed a trip to Morocco- tourist touts, poor roads, mad drivers mint tea and the physical beauty of the country.

Tanger being the sea gateway to Morocco one both arrives and departs from Tager. So maybe coming in and out of Tanger is a good time to compare my cautious and naive thoughts on entering Morocco and the utter thankfulness that I had had a month travelling in Morocco ( I could have spent 3).

So after some sickingly sweet mint tea, some haggling with money changers and a very greasy omelette it was into the seemingly crazy traffic and on the road to Tetuan.

Coming up the the Atlantic Coast back to Tanger and the Ferry back to Spain. Asilah is one of the first towns in Tanger province with…

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Motorcycles, Motorsports, Outdoors, Sport Touring, Streetbikes, Travel

Extending Your 2021 Riding Season

Extending Your 2021 Riding Season Well, It’s that time again!! To ride or not to ride? Seriously, there is no need to winterize your bike! Unless you live in the far northern portion of the country where there is no chance of getting out for the next three months. The part of the country where… Continue reading Extending Your 2021 Riding Season